Definition of SEM: Search engine marketing or to use a shorter phrase, search marketing, is defined as a series of actions that are aimed at increasing visibility of a website in the search engines through both paid and free processes. It’s also called Paid search ads, Paid Advertising (which just assumes you know it’s on searches), PPC (Pay-per-click).

The main goal of these processes is to increase the visibility of a website and gain traffic, in order to increase sales and conversions.
Besides different strategies involved, various tools are used in the purpose of analyzing the performance of the website and the efficiency of the strategy that is being implemented. Tools are required with both free and paid search marketing, as they enable realization of different sets of actions that will help with realization of the goals.

Some basic terms that is used in search engine marketing.

SEM – Search engine marketing represents a part of the internet marketing which uses search engines result pages to promote a website, using both organic and paid reach.
SEO – Search engine optimizations a process of improving visibility of a website in the search engine result pages through organic reach.
PPC – Pay per click is the part of paid reach in the search engine marketing where you need to pay each time someone clicks on your ad.
CPC – Cost per click is the amount of money you pay for one click on your ad, which is specified in the advertising campaign settings.
CPM – Cost per mile represents cost per thousand impressions. It is one of the advertising payment plans, where you pay the price per thousands views. Search query or keyword query is the word or phrase that the users type into the search engines in order to find more information about that specific topic.

SERP – Search engine result page is the list of results displayed by the search engines as the response to the search query.
ROI – Return on investment is a ratio used to help calculate profitability. ROI compares investment and results in order to determine benefits from the marketing campaign.
Conversion usually means converting a website visitor to customer, but occasionally, websites may use metrics other than sale as conversion, such as sign up for a newsletter, visiting a certain page, etc.
Landing page, also called lead capture page, is a page which appears after the user has clicked on the link displayed in the search engine result page, regardless of that being organic listing or paid ad.
Search Engine Advertising
Each search engine has its own program for advertising, which usually includes campaign manager through which the advertising is being set up. When you explore your options, and choose one of the search engines you want to use for advertising, you should visit the website and learn how to do so. You will usually be required to create an account, which will enable you to access the campaign manager for creating and publishing search engine ads.

Google AdWords Google enables search engine advertising through Google AdWords platform. You will have to create a Google account first, and then visit the website to sign up for Google AdWords. Since 23 Google is the number one search engine, processing over 3.5 billion searches a day, it is natural that its advertising program is the most popular one when it comes to search engine advertising.
Bing Ads Since 2009, all of the Yahoo! searches are conducted through Microsoft’s search engine Bing. The advertising opportunity now enables marketers to take advantage of both of these platforms for organizing a search engine marketing campaign. Bing / Yahoo! network now provides joint advertising option. With up to 30% of searches being conducted through these two search engines, depending on the region, Bing Ads represents an important source for search engine advertising.
Benefits of Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Increase Traffic Through Ad Visibility
Pay Only Per Action
Test And Measure Your Performance
It helps raise brand awareness and brand equity of product.
Advertise to an audience that’s already interested in you.

Target your ads to users based on languages and locations.
Competition advantage – Marketers can enable users to select their product over their competitors.
The higher your product or service ranks in search engines, the more likely consumers will visit your website and prefer you or even recommend your offerings.


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